I watched Collateral (DVD)
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Broke down...
I watched Collateral (DVD)
7.5 miles, 25 yards at a time (conclusion)...
My PDA History
In Sept. 1996, I bought a Compaq Companion C120. This was Pegasus, the very first release of Windows CE. The hardware was awesome.. It had a 480x240 monochrome (4 shades of grey), 2MB and a PCMCIA slot, but the operating system needed work. Actually, what needed work was the synchronization software. It was called HPC Explorer and it wasn't great. A while after I bought it, I purchased an upgrade chip from Compaq which upgraded it Windows 2.0 and added 2MB. That gave the ability to run ActiveSync. That's when Windows CE started to make sense. I used that PDA for years and still have it. It still works well.
Next, the Windows CE 2.0 Palm size device came out and I thought I needed one. I purchased a Philips Nino 301. I had thought that this 'upgrade' would hold me for a while, but I never really liked the Nino. It had A 320X240 monochrome (4 shades of gray), 4MB of RAM and a Compactflash slot. ActiveSync got better and better and is the single most important component of the Windows CE OS.
I made the jump to PocketPC's later than most. I got an @migo from UR There in June of 2002. This company wasn't around very long. I bought it on eBay from an individual who said he was owed money by UR There and was paid in PDA's. Until it died a few months later, it was awesome. It had a beautiful 320x240 color screen (65,535 colors), 32MB RAM, and a PC Card slot (they used to be called PCMCIA slots). I paid $160. My wife and I watched movies on it in the airport. I connected to wireless networks before most others with PDA's could. It was a great PDA.
By the time it died, my work situation had changed (no work situation) and I was forced to go low budget. I bought a used monochrome Compaq iPaq 3135 in July 2003 (again on eBay) for $51 (shipped). It was trailing edge and I was able to buy extra sync cables and chargers at a 99¢ Only store. It had a 320x240 monochrome (16 shades of grey), 16MB and no card slots ( expansion sleeves were available but expensive). It was a decent PDA and is still around the house somewhere.
In June of 2005, I upgraded my Verizon Wireless cellphone to a Treo 600. It cost me $149 (after rebate). It has a 160x160 color screen, 32MB RAM, and an SDIO slot. I wrote half of this post on it. It does so much more than earlier PDA's because of the phone integration and unlimited Internet access. I am not as fond of HotSync as ActiveSync and the Outlook integration is not as tight as I would prefer, but I am very pleased.
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
The stars are aligned against me...
Since there are no more weekend days this month to make it up, I decided I would add 8 laps each day for the next 3 days which will allow me to make my commitment (distance). Today, I got up early and showed up about 6:15 and every lane was in use. I came home and then went back about 8:45 and was able to swim 32 lengths (.45 miles).
I want to make a commitment for July, but I need to leave myself alternatives to swimming when that's not an option. I do plan to up swimming to a half mile (.51 miles) when I do swim.
eReader.com: Free eBook each day in July
The reader is available in a free and paid version. I (naturally) got the free version for the PalmOS (it is a multiplatform product). I will try to review it in the near future.
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Round Rock Express game
Great time yesterday...

Yesterday, our trip to Gruene was outstanding. This picture was taken outside The Gristmill. Chuck and Susan were a hoot and three-quarters. We were hoping to see them again tonight at the Heybale show at The Continental Club tonight but declined in the interest of being able to work tomorrow.
We'll see them again in 6 weeks when we're in Alabama.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Today's awesome plans
- Pick up extended family at their hotel. (Amy's sister's husband's brother & his wife - that was less confusing than the other two versions of the theory of relativity)
- Drive to Gruene, TX (pronounced GREEN)
- Hang out for an hour or so and visit a couple of shops
- Have a nice dinner at The Gristmill River Restaurant and Bar
- Enjoy The Derailers (blog tour) at Gruene Hall (Texas' Oldest Dance Hall)
Yes, you have seen a version of these plans before. First, we need to get the house cleaned up. I just finished mowing and am just taking a break to cool off.
Treo Freeware: Today

The above screenshots are from Today v2.2, which is a very Windows CE / Pocket PC kind of application. It's a powerful application which can work as your primary interface to the built-in PIM. The first screenshot above is the opening screen and while it's not busy, there are a number of options available.
Screenshot Explanation:
- Top Row: Just to the right of the word Today is the amount of internal memory and to the right of that is the battery meter. The next item on the top row is the .|..|:: (Day/Week/Months) selector which switches between the three screens shown here. The left and right arrows move backward and forward through the data by day, week or month (depending on what screen you're on).
- Clock Icon: Displays the date and time. This launches the Date & Time Preference screen.
- Owner: This launches the Owner Preference screen.
- Calendar: Displays today's appointments. This launches the calendar application.
- eMail: Displays unread emails here. This launches the email application.
- Tasks: Displays active tasks. This launches the Tasks application.
- Bottom Row: The launcher on the bottom row launches the Contacts, Memo, Tasks and Calendar applications.
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Treo Freeware: Snap

I have been using Snap to grab Treo screenshots (in this case, Snap itself). It does require an SD card and creates the screenshots in /palm/programs/Snap/ on that card (that directory must be exist or be created). It works as advertised and in the short time I've used it, I haven't had any issues.
Screenshot explanation:
- The application is enabled (Enabled is highlighted)
- Snap Key: The Power button is set to capture the screen
- File Prefix: All screenshots will have "Snap-" at the beginning of the filename
- Auto-disable is enabled, which means the program will be disabled after capturing the first screen. The alternative would be to uncheck this and capture all needed screenshots and then launch the program again and choose Disabled
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Lexar 128MB SD Card

Lexar 128MB SD Card
Originally uploaded by eschulz.
The screenshot program I use requires an SD card so I fet like I needed to get one. My limit was $20 and I ran by Wal-Mart and they had a Lexar 128MB SD Card in that price range. I have moved some applications to it, I put a couple of movie trailers on it and I've used about 11MB, so I can still add a couple of podcasts.
Cost (before tax): $19.99
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Website redesign at 4am
Usually, I come into the office and surf the net for about an hour and go back to bed. So, tonight, I checked my blog and it was broken (actually it was BROKEN). I decided to try to fix and nothing worked, so I chose a new template that's similar to the old one and added all of the stuff that is normally on the right side of the screen. I think it looks OK. If not, please leave a comment here or on my comment line at (763)322-1842.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Bonzai USB 2.0 SD Card Reader
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Inexpensive (Cheap) furniture
Sofa $346 = $299 + $47 Shipping
Loveseat $276 = $239 + $37 Shipping
Chair $196 = $169 + $27 Shipping
Ottoman $96 = $79 + $17 Shipping
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
What I don't know about basketball....
If you front the low post guy, you've got to jam the passer and make it difficult.Should I know what that means ?
Monday, June 20, 2005
Not bleeding edge technology...
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Belkin accessories on the cheap...

Last weekend, Amy and I went to the 99¢ Only Store in Rosenberg. I have been to this one before and they often have PDA accessories. I've bought sync cables and cases for my old iPaq (which I haven't seen in quite a while). This time, since I knew I was going to be getting a Treo, I bought some Belkin screen overlays and styli.
The styli were a three pack for an HP Jornada 560. I doubt that they'll fit in the Treo stylus holder. They are, however, incredibly cheap and they are perfectly useful as styli. I can keep one in my truck, one at home, and one at desk. I think I'll be able to use monofilament line to keep them tethered. The less I take out the actual Treo stylus, the less likely I am to lose it.
The screen overlays come in packets of 12 and include a screen cleaning cloth and a "smoothie card" for getting rid of bubbles. I bought one package for the Handspring Visor Edge and one for the Palm i705. They have to be cut to fit the smaller Treo screen. I've read that when talking on the Treo, oils from your face can damage the screen. This seems like cheap protection. I cut one to fit yesterday and slapped it on and it seems OK.
Cost (before tax): $2.98
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
My Favorite Fictional Bands
- Spinal Tap (This is Spinal Tap)
- Steel Dragon (Rock Star)
- Eddie and the Cruisers (Eddie and the Cruisers and Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives!)
- The Monkees (The Monkees)
- The Barbusters (Light of Day)
- The Partridge Family (The Partridge Family)
- Stillwater (Almost Famous)
- Oneders, later renamed the Wonders (That Thing You Do)
- The Rutles (The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash)
- Josie and the Pussycats (Josie and the Pussycats)
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Swim Day...
Friends - Stay Away !!!
Eric: Watch your relations with others carefully, be cautious.
Amy: You will be called upon to help a friend in trouble.
Lunch at China Wall
She's known since soon after we started dating that I love their Sesame Chicken. We had been dating for no more than a couple of months and both worked for a big company about a mile from my house. I had called in sick and was feeling a little bit better. She called and offered to bring me lunch and asked me what I wanted and I said "whatever" (meaning don't go out of your way). She brought me a #22 (Sesame Chicken) with Won Ton Soup from China Wall. It was one of the first selfless gestures she ever made.
Soon after that, I fell in love with her.
ZIP-LINQ Treo Datasync Cable

A couple of weeks ago, I was in Fry's and saw the ZIP-LINQ Treo Datasync Cable cables for $6.99. I bought one, since I was sure I was going to buy a Treo 600 in a couple of weeks. They also had the 12V power adapter for the above so that it can be used to power the Treo via a cigarette lighter. They were $4.99. So for about $12, I got a flexible sync & charging system.
When I installed the Palm Synchronization software yesterday, I was prompted to attach the Treo 600 to the PC via the sync cable. I tried the ZIP-LINQ and it didn't work. I then attached the PalmOne sync cable and was able to HotSync correctly.
This morning, I was able to HotSync correctly using the ZIP-LINQ cable. I did find a note on the FAQ page of ZIP-LINQ's website:
Q. How do I make my Treo 600 Sync?Cost (before tax): $11.98
A. When using the ZIP-DATA-P08 to sync on your Treo 600 you must use the sync icon on the Treo 600 screen. When you choose sync it will default to IR (Infra Red) use the pull down menu below the sync icon and choose sync via cradle. Then it will sync your data through the ZIP-LINQ cable just like a USB cradle. Also make sure wireless mode is off or it will not charge.
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Happy Juneteenth!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
TreoVida (The Beginning)
He immediately started pushing me towards the 650. He pointed out that it has Bluetooth and the 600 doesn't. I explained that I would be using it to listen to MP3's and just answering when a call came in. Bluetooth only sends phone conversations to the headset (not Palm audio), so that wouldn't be helpful. He then mentioned that the store doesn't stock Treos. He said that the 650's had been on backorder since a week after they came out. He also mentioned that I could order one and have it sent to my home on Tuesday (Lie1 - It's either on backorder or it's available, not both).
Since he had a nice display with the 600 and the 650, I asked if he could order a Treo 600 and he said they had been discontinued when the 650 launched (Lie2 - I could order it from Verizon's website until a week or two ago). So, he has two display models of a phone that he is unwilling or unable to sell which is very similar to another which is twice the price (Lie3 - Bait & Switch).
I was upset and went home to call Verizon and see what it would cost me to get out of my contract. Before I made that call, I called a Verizon Store in Austin and asked if they had a Treo 600 in stock. He said they did have one. I told him I would be by in a little while. I was able to compare the 600 and 650. While the screen is much better on the 650, the screen on the 600 was far better than any other phone I've ever seen. I purchased it and changed my contract to a slightly newer one for the same price. I also added the unlimited data plan. They helped me fill out the paperwork to get a 25% discount because of where I work. The woman was kind enough to fax that in, so that discount should take care of some of the increased cost.
Bottom Line: The Verizon Store in Round Rock was the problem, not Verizon Wireless.

Cost (before tax): $199.99 ($50 Rebate is available and will be mailed in)
span style="font-size:85%;">Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Batman Begins
Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham. In the wake of his parents' murder, disillusioned industrial heir Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) travels the world seeking the means to fight injustice and turn fear against those who prey on the fearful.
He returns to Gotham and unveils his alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city."
Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam (CAUSS)
Friday, June 17, 2005
Note: This article was originally posted to the TreoVida blog on date listed. It was moved to Does the fun ever start ? on Sunday, October 23, 2005.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
OEDILF - The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form
Ansel Adams, in photos, expressed
The majestic American west.
His images, stark,
Of Yosemite Park
Are considered as some of his best.
If you think life on Earth is a bore,
Come to Bob's Antigravity Store!
Yes, these rockets and boots
And miraculous suits
Are to lift you right off of the floor!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
The Oasis (Continued)
Dear OASIS Guests,In a related note, a benefit is planned for Oasis employees.
In the early morning hours of June 1, 2005, lightning struck The OASIS and the resulting fire devastated much of our facility.
While this tragedy severely crippled us, business as usual will continue in our Starlight Terrace area -- same great views, sunsets and margaritas, with a limited menu. Please bear with us and we will be back better than ever and IN FULL SWING in a few months.
Beau Theriot
And my Super OASIS Crew
Smooth Criminal
- Marting Luther King is born
- The Berlin Wall falls
- Nelson Mandela is freed
- Michael Jackson is Innocent
Tumbleweed Tiny Houses
My name is Jay Shafer, and I live in a house smaller than some people’s bathrooms. I call my tiny home Tumbleweed. My decision to inhabit just 100 square feet arose from some concerns I had about the impact a larger house would have on the environment, and because I just do not want to maintain a lot of unused or unusable space. Tumbleweed meets all of my domestic needs without demanding much in return. The simple, slower lifestyle my home affords is a luxury for which I am supremely grateful.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Houston National Cemetery

We went to Houston this weekend and I had a chance to visit Ken’s grave. It’s at the Houston National Cemetery. It’s a beautiful monument. It’s staggering how many people are buried there (over 57,000) and that is just one of the 120 national cemeteries. Here’s some pictures. If you’re in the area, check it out.

Celebrity Sighting...
If the Treo 600 is unavailable, I may have to look at alternatives. That would certainly include the Treo 650. It is only $100 more, if I ignore the rebate. In the past, I haven't had great luck with rebates.
The 650 does offer the following advantages:
- Better screen resolution (320x320 for the 650, compared to 160x160 for the 600)
- Bluetooth capability in the 650, which means a wireless headset will work
- Vastly improved camera on the 650, which means better pics for the blog(s)
- The 650 does have a removable (replaceable) battery
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
New Blog - Look for announcement
Mac Zealots – A special breed
The fact is that Apple systems tend to be more reliable because there are less variables. One company makes Macintosh computers. One company designs them. One company sells them. One company supports them.
Windows PC’s are made by many major brands plus thousands and thousands of smaller manufacturers and everybody’s brother-in-law. Windows is a very stable operating system and has been for many years (at least ten). I have fixed tons of systems that people were ready to ‘throw out the window’ because they were unreliable.
You will have a more reliable system if you do the following:
- Buy a system from a known and reliable vendor (I have a bottom of the line Dell Dimension)
- Install service packs and hotfixes
- Install and configure a firewall (I use ZoneAlarm)
- Use Firefox as your browser (I have since it was called Phoenix v.4)
- Install and configure a anti-virus program (I use AVG)
- Only install programs you plan to use (I’m not a software collector)
Not my fault...
Monday, June 06, 2005
Out on a limb...
World's first disposable digital camcorder
"The introduction of the disposable film camera significantly grew the photography industry by making photography accessible and affordable to anyone," said Mike Wolf, Director of Digital Photography Trends at InfoTrends/CAP Ventures. "One-time-use camera category has grown to be 218 million units annually and we expect it to account for 38% of total film volume in the U.S. in 2005. A simple and affordable one-time-use digital camcorder could spur growth in the digital video market in a similar way."
"We believe that capturing and sharing high-quality, digital home movies should be a fun and easy experience," said Jonathan Kaplan, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Pure Digital Technologies, Inc. "Our partnership with CVS/pharmacy delivers a complete digital home video solution that is affordable and simple enough for even novice users."
Video Camcorder Features and Benefits
- Simple-to-use, pocket-sized camcorder weighs under 5 ounces
- Holds 20 saved minutes of digital quality video and sound
- 1.4 inch color playback screen
- Ability to playback and delete videos
- Return to any CVS/pharmacy 1-hour photo lab for DVD
DVD Features and Benefits
- Simple viewing on DVD players or computers with DVD drive
- Convenient archiving and storage
- Email video and video greeting cards as easily as digital photos with SmartShare(TM) computer application
- No email system or software installation required
Through its partnership with Pure Digital, CVS/pharmacy is the first to bring digital one-time-use video cameras to consumers. Exclusively available now in over 1,400 CVS/pharmacy locations nationally, the cameras will be available in over 4,500 stores by June 26th. The CVS Digital One-Time-Use Video Camcorder retails for only $29.99. Video camera processing is $12.99 and includes a CVS DVD built with technology for easy viewing, sharing and archiving of home videos.
Source: http://www.gizmag.com/go/4124/
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Posted using w.bloggar
The w.bloggar is an application that acts as an interface between the user and one or more blog(s); in other words, it is a Post and Template editor, with several features and resources that the browser based blog editors do not offer.
Church in Georgetown
Friday, June 03, 2005
Related to the redesign...
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Observations - Kenneth Reed Golden
Soon after that Ken's cancer came back and it killed him on 12/23/1985. I'm older now than he was then. He made an impact on my life and I miss him. This post started as a way to quote Ken and make it funny. Instead, I feel like I needed to share a little about him. Ken left a daughter who would be in her mid 30's now. I want her to know what a great guy her dad was.
My observations (Schulz's Laws)
2. People who are smart and confident feel comfortable answering questions with a reply of, "I don't know." People who are less confident or less smart often feel the need to answer all questions, regardless of their lack of knowledge on the subject.
I may add to these in the future.
Another Pet Peeve:...
Bob Woodward reveals how Mark Felt became Deep Throat
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
The Oasis destroyed by fire
Located 450 feet above Lake Travis, The Oasis offers breathtaking views of the Texas Hill Country and spectacular sunsets! Enjoy the scenery from one of the 40 plus outdoor decks, or inside from one of the enchanting dining rooms.
It was a great place (and hopefully, will be again). It was destroyed by fire this morning.
The Associated Press reports that authorities speculate that the fire might have been sparked by a lightning strike. No injuries were reported.
Media reports indicate owner Beau Theriot has pledged to rebuild The Oasis.