Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sym Symba

I used to have a late 60's Honda 50s and always wanted a Honda Super Cub. Honda has sold 60 million, making it the best selling powered vehicle of all time. Honda hasn't sold them in the US since the 80's, but they are still sold all over the world. If you want one, you might try the Sym Symba, which has a 100cc engine, but is completely based on the Super Cub.
Monday, October 26, 2009
There, I Fixed It: Epic Kludges + Jury Rigs
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Zoom Plumbing Atlanta - Unprofessional
Today, Tom called around 3:00 and asked if I still needed a plumber. I said that I did and he asked me if we lived 'near McLendon'. I said that I don't know where that is, but that our house is in the Oakhurst neighborhood in Decatur. He said that he was on his way.
At 5:30, he had still not arrived or called, so I called him and he said that he hadn't been able to find the house, that he had driven all over the place looking for it and it wasn't worth it. I asked why he didn't call to get directions or go to Google Maps, or use a GPS or at least call and say that he wasn't coming out. He said the he had a bad day and everything had gone wrong. I said "So you want to make sure that everyone else had a bad day"?
Please make sure not to call Zoom Plumbing Atlanta for anything. I didn't link to them from this blog, because I don't want to inadvertently send them any customers.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Bacon of the Month Club
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Celebrity Sighting - Michael Showalter
We saw Michael Showalter in New York City. He was filming an episode of Law and Order. He has a show on Comedy Central with Michael Ian Black called "Michael and Michael Have Issues"
Squirrel with a french fry
This was taken at the Shake Shack at Madison Square Park in NYC. I didn't give him the fry, but I did give him a stern warning about a diet high in saturated fats.
Congrarulations, Chad and Amanda!
It is our privilege to announce that Father Steven Chadwick Vaughn (Father Chad) has been unanimously called by the Vestry to be the new rector at St Francis Episcopal Church, effective October 15, 2009.
He and his wife Amanda are native Georgians, who grew up in the greater Atlanta area. Father Chad attended Oglethorpe University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in English and Art History.
After graduation, he worked for several years at the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art in Atlanta as the Curator and Educational Programs Coordinator before becoming the Director of Museum Operations. Eventually, he left the Museum of Art to serve as the Associate Director of Development at Oglethorpe University.
He left Oglethorpe University in December 2000 to become the Executive Assistant to the Dean at the Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta. He served in that position until June 2003 when he left for the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. After completing his Seminarian Internship at The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, Texas, in May 2006 he graduated with a Masters of Divinity.
For the last 3 years, he has served as the Associate Priest for Liturgy, Communications, and Outreach at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas. In addition to sharing in presiding, preaching, teaching, and pastoral care with the clergy team at St. David’s, Father Chad serves as the “Parish Liturgical Officer,” planning and coordinating the many and varied worship services (including their 6 Sunday services) as well as managing their liturgical ministries (Altar Guild, EM’s, Acolytes, Ushers, etc.). He also oversees the communication ministries and is the Executive Editor for all parish publications. Additionally, he leads St. David’s outreach ministries in the greater Austin community and the world, including supervising the Grants Committee for Community Outreach.
Chad's interests lie in liturgy, art and religion, film, photography and travel. Father Chad and Amanda love visiting the northwest and the tall trees -- Victoria, BC is one of their favorite places in the world. Moving with them to Macon will be their precocious cat, Millie. Father Chad is very approachable, humorous, a lover of souls and is ready to lead St Francis as we take the next steps on our journey.
The Vestry is incredibly grateful to the Search Committee for the time and effort they were willing to put forth in order to find such a wonderful fit for St. Francis. We cannot imagine a better rector to lead us into the future.
The 2009 St. Francis Vestry
Sweetwater Brewing Co
Google Reader
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Abita assortment
Last weekend, Amy and I went to Green's liquor store and picked up a twelve-pack of Louisiana's finest.
Monday, August 24, 2009
2009 U.S. Amateur Championship
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mentone Springs Hotel
Yesterday, we went to see the Mentone Springs Hotel in Mentone, Alabama. The had these chargers at every seat on the restaurant. I don't think I'd ever seen a charger for a salad plate.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lotsa Miatas
Shot at Canyon Grill in Rising Fawn, Georgia. We commented about how many Miatas there were and someone said there were hundreds in the area. So, I looked it up and found the Miatas @ Mentone event, sponsored by the Rocket City Miata Club.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
McCurdy qualifies for 2009 U.S Amateur
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
What? No more Passport club??
Heads Up Passport Club Members! Beginning September 1, 2009, The name of the Passport Club WILL BE CHANGING to Taco Mac Brewniversity. There are many changes that will be applied along with this name change. The name of the current levels will be changing, AND we will be implementing new levels for those of you that have over 325 beers on your card. You can also look for new developments on the Passport Club/Soon to be Brewniversity website! It will be more interactive, and will guide you in your selections before you visit Taco Mac. That's not all! We will also be testing a Customer Kiosk at 2 of our stores (Metropolis & Ellard Village), where you will be able to swipe your own card, and look at your list before you sit down! The website and Customer Kiosk will be an ongoing development, per YOUR requests....REMEMBER, You asked for Passport Club Updates, and we have responded! We look forward to rolling this program out. Look for more detailed descriptions on the changes from our Beverage Director Fred Crudder, and within the stores themselves in the upcoming weeks.
Here's to the the road to Graduation!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Taco Mac - Passport Member
Once you try your 125th unique beer in Taco Mac®, you receive the Passport Member T-Shirt. Congratulations, you are now officially in the club! Your name will be posted on a black nameplate on our Passport Club plaque and you will receive a 20 ounce engraved mug to take home with you. Better yet, you can enjoy draft beer out of a 20 ounce mug at the 16 ounce price from now on!
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Shiner Family Reunion
I bought a twelve-pack the other day, which came with two of each of these. The Kosmos Reserve is the only one I haven't tried. It feels like a Texas evening. I'm grilling chicken marinated with Stubbs BBQ Marinade.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
20,000 Miles
Today, I had to take my Rabbit in for 20,000 mile service. Tomorrow, it will be a year old. It has used 761.072 gallons of gas at a total cost of $1901.33. This year, it's gotten 26.5 MPG. I really love this car...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Local News #2
This guy's office was about two blocks from our house.
Local News #1
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Omnia Update !
I downloaded this and installed it the other night. The good news is that GPS is enabled on the Omnia now. That was the reason for the update, so that was expected. The bad news is that it broke PIE (Pocket Internet Explorer) in my opinion. The main problem is that single column mode is no longer enabled. This is THE way that I use PIE and really hate that this function is gone. There are a few other enhancements, but none of them (that I've discovered so far) is earth shattering.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Yes, that should be enough...
Shot in the Men's bathroom at The Square Root in Brevard, North Carolina.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy Anniversary Craig and Barbara
Vote for The Authors!

Please vote for the Authors for Band of the Month at The Deli Austin - All about the Austin Music Scene! Indie, Rock, Folk and more! Music Blog + Online Music Charts!. Our friend Angela is the drummer. We just picked up their EP at Waterloo Records in Austin!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Joke for the day - 07/08/09
A: Because Seven Ate Nine (Seven Eight Nine or 07/08/09)
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Supreme Court decisions
Sunday, June 28, 2009
High Tech Coke Machine - Lenox Mall
Yesterday, we were at Lenox Mall and I snapped a picture of this cool Coke machine. The entire screen plays commercials and the touch sensitive screen is the interface. You can also use Debit/Credit cards to get your drink.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
82nd Academy Awards® to Feature 10 Best Picture Nominees
Beverly Hills, CA (June 24, 2009) — The 82nd Academy Awards, which will be presented on March 7, 2010, will have 10 feature films vying in the Best Picture category, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President Sid Ganis announced today (June 24) at a press conference in Beverly Hills.
“After more than six decades, the Academy is returning to some of its earlier roots, when a wider field competed for the top award of the year,” said Ganis. “The final outcome, of course, will be the same – one Best Picture winner – but the race to the finish line will feature 10, not just five, great movies from 2009.”
For more than a decade during the Academy’s earlier years, the Best Picture category welcomed more than five films; for nine years there were 10 nominees. The 16th Academy Awards (1943) was the last year to include a field of that size; “Casablanca” was named Best Picture. (In 1931/32, there were eight nominees and in 1934 and 1935 there were 12 nominees.)
Currently, the Academy is presenting a bicoastal screening series showcasing the 10 Best Picture nominees of 1939, arguably one of Hollywood’s greatest film years. Best Picture nominees of that year include such diverse classics as “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” “Stagecoach,” “The Wizard of Oz” and Best Picture winner “Gone with the Wind.”
“Having 10 Best Picture nominees is going to allow Academy voters to recognize and include some of the fantastic movies that often show up in the other Oscar categories, but have been squeezed out of the race for the top prize,” commented Ganis. “I can’t wait to see what that list of ten looks like when the nominees are announced in February.”
The 82nd Academy Awards nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 2. The Oscar® ceremony honoring films for 2009 will again take place at the Kodak Theatre at Hollywood & Highland Center® in Hollywood, and will be televised live by the ABC Television Network.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Quote of the Day - 06/25/09
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.Douglas Adams - English humorist & science fiction novelist (1952 - 2001)
Source: The Quotations Page:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Quote of the Day - 06/24/09
I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.Poul Anderson - US science fiction author (1926 - 2001)
Source: The Quotations Page
Auburn Tigers hire UCF's Clinard
Eight-year veteran Nick Clinard, who led Central Florida to a top-10 finish in the 2009 NCAA Championship, has been named head men’s golf coach at Auburn, Athletics Director Jay Jacobs announced Sunday.
Source: Opelika-Auburn News
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Just ordered a New TiVo
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
Fiat 500 on Fast Track to America
While we were in Italy, Amy fell in love with the Fiat 500 and decided that she wanted one. Well, lucky for her, it's on its way to America!
The Fiat 500 is coming to America, and it appears to be on a fast track.
Richard Gadeselli, a Fiat spokesman at the automaker’s headquarters in Turin, Italy, sent an e-mail message to confirm plans to take the 500 — voted as Europe’s Car of the Year in 2008 — to Chrysler dealerships just in time for Christmas 2010. That’s barely 18 months away — just around the corner in auto development terms.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Ribbon Cutting at the Oakhurst Fire Station
Monday, May 25, 2009
Congratulations Will!
Movies watched on the plane
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Happy Blog Birthday
I have read several times this month that blogs are dead, having given way to Twitter or Facebook or something else. This one is not dead. While I value Facebook, it does not provide the same forum for my thoughts as a blog.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
Congratulations Charles & Kim
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Street Legal ATV
This guy lives four or five blocks away and has converted his Honda ATV to be street legal. He installed racks, a trunk, lights, etc. I've seen him riding it a couple of times. Great way to go grocery shopping.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Auburn Men's Golf Coach Mike Griffin Leaving Coaching
Coach recruited Will and I've been around him several times over the past year. Coach, you will be missed. Good luck on your new job!
Auburn Men's Golf Coach Mike Griffin Leaving Coaching - AUBURN OFFICIAL ATHLETIC SITE: "Mike Griffin, who has served as the Auburn men's golf coach for the previous 25 seasons is stepping down from his coaching responsibilities and will remain with the program as the director of golf. A four-time Southeastern Conference Coach of the Year, Griffin led the program to an SEC title in 2002 and eight SEC runner-up finishes, 16 NCAA Championship appearances and 19 NCAA Regional appearances.
'I have been here a long time and after looking at things through experienced eyes, I decided this is what was best for me and my family and for Auburn golf and the young people here,' Griffin said. 'When I was brought here, my purpose was to get a golf course, practice facility and team home built, and those have been completed.
'We've been very competitive, winning several tournament and individual titles, including SEC and Regional team and individual titles, and an NCAA individual title. The only thing we've not accomplished was winning a team title, however, what makes it better was having the opportunity to host an NCAA Championship.'"