Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm a Bright Mastermind!

Testriffic IQ test


Sara Quinn said...

I'm a bright mastermind also. I took the test, scored 122 and tried to send the results to your blog and my blog and since I am such a bright mastermind, I lost the results and couldn't find them again. I've always known you were smarter than me but 5 whole points ?????

Amy R Shipp said...

Apparently I'm a "Regional Genius" with my score of 132. I guess that means I am only smart in the southeast. It's too bad really...I always want to be smarter when I travel to other locales.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is odd. I got the same exact score you did. 127.

Susan said...

I can't even get the test to open on my $#%*$%$ computer, so I'll give myself a 150 for effort!