Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Are your windows up ?

Almost every time, it starts raining, somebody runs through the building saying "It's raining. Are your windows up ?". It's almost always someone who keeps their windows down asking. It seems like one of the only mistakes one can make that they like to advertise. So I always want to ask "What kind of idiot leaves their windows down ?"


Sara Quinn said...

They do that at our office, too. I think the object of leaving windows open is for the car to be cooler but when you get in the car and it says 105 degreees inside and the outside temperature is 99, I can't tell a whole lot of difference - it's still hot as hell!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know some people who just leave their windows slightly cracked, but again, the difference between 105 and 99 isn't that big to me. Plus, all you really have to do is just drive around with your windows down for a minute to equalize the cars temperature inside with the 99 degree temperature outside.