Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Actors say the darndest things...

Often, we hear about actors who put their foot in mouth. Tom Cruise's opions on post partum depression and Mel Gibson's alleged racist comments are just two examples.

What I don't understand is why anybody cares. These are people (in this case, men) who get paid to look pretty and pretend to be someone else. Why would I get my information on post partum depression from the star of Top Gun? Why would I expect the star of Mad Max to not have human flaws like the rest of us? I have (on more than one occassion) had too much to drink and had to apologize to someone I offended.

Thank goodness that each of us doesn't have to live their life so publicly. Who hasn't said things they wish they hadn't? Who hasn't said things that could be taken out of context? Who hasn't told a joke they wish they hadn't?

The unreasonable people here are not the actors (and other celebrities), but a society that hangs on their every word.


Justin said...

Eric, there is a difference in having a flaw and announcing that jews are the reason for all the wars in the world. While I agree it's ridiculous that people are making such a big deal out of it, it's the burden they take on when they decide they want to be a celebrity. Charles Barkley tried to play that "i never asked to be a role model" card, but it doesn't matter if they ask for it, when they sign up to be famous, they are automatically enrolled. it's like spyware on your computer, it just comes as a packaged deal, whether you like it or not.

but that's just my .02

Anonymous said...

I would never want to be a celebrity, politician, sports figure, etc. The last thing I want in this world is to have everything I have ever said and done scrutinized in the press and tabloids.