I'm gonna have to make some of these. I just can't think of a reason not to.
LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. A Throwie consists of a lithium battery, a 10mm diffused LED and a rare-earth magnet taped together. Throw it up high and in quantity to impress your friends and city officials."
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Longhorns:80 Jayhawks: 55

Tonight we went to the Erwin Center (as did ESPN's College Gameday). We saw the Longhorns stampede the Kansas Jayhawks by 25 points. We outscored them by 9 in the first half and 16 points in the second half. There were quite a few Kansas fans, but they weren't as vocal during the second half and most of them left before the end.
AJ Abrams of Round Rock scored 12 points and was just fantastic, but we may be partial. He went to McNeil High School and is still the all-time leading scorer at McNeil. He's a freshman and tonight, the Kansas coach said "...we didn't count on him coming in and getting 12."
The cheerleaders even put on a great show.

Friday, February 24, 2006
Democracy - Internet TV Platform
Democracy - Internet TV Platform - Free and Open Source: I just downloaded Democracy for Windows XP (also available for the Mac). It's very cool.
Download and watch all the best internet TV shows and videos in one powerful application. New channels arrive daily in the built-in Channel Guide.
Stop squinting at tedious web videos-- sit back and watch big, high resolution videos one after another. It's so easy to use that you'll be watching interesting videos in moments.
Features: subscribe to video RSS feeds (including podcasts, video blogs, and BitTorrent feeds), watch fullscreen, share with friends."
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Delta Park Project
I just called Jason and Anna from the Delta Park Project and left some comments on their voice mail line. This is what I said. Actually, this is what I meant to say...
I'm calling to play the Amelie game...
Starting with dislikes:Now for my likes:
- I dislike the Olympics.
- I dislike when someone asks, "What's your social?"
- I dislike receiving joke emails 'cause only about 2% of 'em are actually funny.
- I like it when a restaurant accidentally brings me regular soda when I've ordered diet soda because I still get credit for trying to be healthy.
- I like receiving magazines and catalogs in the mail.
- I like the overinflated sense of importance that I've developed since becoming a blogger.
Last "Girls Night Out".
I normally don't like 'funny' emails. Usually, they aren't 'funny' and they just fill up your inbox. This one was clearly an exception.
The other night I was invited out for a night with "the girls." I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, "I promise!" Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easy. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up and cuckooed 3 times.
Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when totally smashed...3 cuckoos plus 9
cuckoos totals 12 cuckoos = MIDNIGHT!)
The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, and I told him "Midnight". He didn't seem upset at all. Whew! Got away with that one! Then he said, "We need a new cuckoo clock."
When I asked him why?, he said, "Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said, "Oh. shit.", cuckooed 4 more times, cleared it's throat, cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted."
Original video content
I have now posted my first original video to the blog. Expect video content in the future, when it's appropriate to supplement the pictures and text.
You can always see what I have listed on Google Video with this link.
You can always see what I have listed on Google Video with this link.
Treo 600 Keyboard Demonstration Video
This is a demonstration of my new Treo 600 Keyboard. I recieved it about a week ago from TreoCentral. It was reduced to $14.95. They also have one for the Treo 650, but it is considerably more expensive. The workmanship is very impressive and it works great.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Cranberry Relish or Bust!
Please welcome Heidi Mac to the blogosphere. She happens to be one of our best friends and frequent posters might recognize her as the wife of Big Mac. Cranberry Relish or Bust! is the name of her new creative outlet.
Release Notes for Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview
If you've installed Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2, you're probably looking for Release Notes for Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview. This is where you can find bugs, workarounds as well as the info I needed (how to uninstall and go back to IE6).
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
When I was researching the last story, I found that our Vice-President wasn't born a "Dick". His name is actually "Richard B. Cheney", which means that he chose to be a "Dick".
I hope I don't...
I hope I never find myself drinking in an Austin Bar with a distinguished lawyer in his 80's. This is the conversation that I'm afraid of having:
Eric: Did I ever tell you about the time I met the governor of Texas ? My dad and I were at the state Capitol and we saw a limo parked outside. I was about 7-8 and my dad talked to the limo driver and found out that he was waiting for then Governor Preston Smith. My dad asked the limo driver if he would take a picture of us with the Governor. He did. It was great and we still have the picture.
Harry Whittington: The Vice-President shot me in the face.
That's a conversation stopper. How do you top that?
Eric: Did I ever tell you about the time I met the governor of Texas ? My dad and I were at the state Capitol and we saw a limo parked outside. I was about 7-8 and my dad talked to the limo driver and found out that he was waiting for then Governor Preston Smith. My dad asked the limo driver if he would take a picture of us with the Governor. He did. It was great and we still have the picture.
Harry Whittington: The Vice-President shot me in the face.
That's a conversation stopper. How do you top that?
Taxes are done!!
We have completed our income taxes already (a full two months in advance). Our taxes were pretty complicated this year, so we hired H&R Block and they did a great job. It was fairly expensive, but not at all stressful. Yea for us.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Jaime's Spanish Village

Saturday, we went there with some friends and had an awesome time. The food and service were great and the atmosphere was completely unique. I'm ready to go back anytime. If you're in Austin, go ahead and try it!

Last night, we went to the Crocket Center to see the Rhinestone Cowgirls battle the Hellcats. Both teams are part of the TXRD - Lonestar Rollergirls and are featured on the A&E show, Rollergirls.
We went with a group of Amy's coworkers to see Ruby Sioux, who they work with. She did a great job, but her team, the Hellcats just couldn't hang on to their lead. The Rhinestone Cowgirls won.
We'll probably go back, it was a lot of fun.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Technoblogic.com - the source for technology news
Technoblogic.com - the source for technology news-One of my new favorite sites.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tonight at Antone's

Tonight, Amy and I are going to Antone's to check out Bob Schneider's Texas Bluegrass Massacre. The project is barely mentioned on Bob's website. I was able to find the following blurb on ThisIsTexasMusic.Com:
... this year he formed Texas Bluegrass Massacre. With weekly summer gigs at Threadgill's and occasional forays beyond Austin, it remains a work in progress. But it's a fun project to watch, featuring a talented lineup with longtime collaborators Bruce Hughes on bass and Dave Robinson on drums, as well as Jeff Plankenhorn on dobro, Heather Woodruff on fiddle, Warren Hood on fiddle and mandolin, and Oliver Steck on accordion and trumpet.
Nacho Libre - Starring Jack Black
Nacho Libre Movie - Starring Jack Black - Directed by Jared Hess - Official Site: "Jack Black stars as Ignacio (friends call him Nacho), a Mexican priest who moonlights as a lucha libre wrestler to raise money for his orphanage in this comedy from the creators of 'Napoleon Dynamite' and the writer and star of 'The School of Rock.'"
This will be in theaters on June 2nd. I thought it was a joke, but I watched the trailer and it's real. Check out the trailer and see if you have any interest.
Round Rock ranked 8th safest city in U.S.
The City of Round Rock ranked the 8th safest city in the United States, according to a survey of crime rate statistics by Morgan Quitno Press. No other Texas city ranked in the top 25. The survey used crime data reported to the FBI by cities with a population of 75,000 and more.
The survey used rates for murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft for its rankings. All cities of 75,000 population or more that reported data to the FBI in 2004 for the six categories of crime measured for the survey were included.
“This report confirms what we already know – our investment in public safety and the professionalism and skill of our police officers have created a great place to live, raise a family and operate a business,” Mayor Nyle Maxwell said. “I can’t say enough good things about the excellent job our police department does to keep Round Rock safe.”"
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Super Bowl XL Commercials
Super Bowl XL Commercials on Google Video: "Super Bowl XL Commercials"
Google Video has every Super Bowl commercial on their site, or you can watch all of them back-to-back. We watched a few minutes behind realtime using the DVR. That means we flew by most of the commercials and only stopped at the ones that looked interesting.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Congratulations, Warren Moon...
Warren Moon was the quarterback for most of the years I rooted for the Houston Oilers. He was always exciting to watch. I'm pleased to see him honored and become a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Another Texas quarterback made it this year as well. Former Dallas Cowboy, Troy Aikman was also honored.
Another Texas quarterback made it this year as well. Former Dallas Cowboy, Troy Aikman was also honored.
The Grim Reaper
Here are some pictures that I took last night in front of The Tilted Kilt in Round Rock. It appears to me to be the Grim Reaper's chopper.

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Welcome to Texas!
Our friend (and yours), Eber is arriving today to spend a long weekend with us. It should prove to be a hoot and a half.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Available
Internet Explorer 7: Beta 2 is available for testing on Windows XP. I'm currently installing it. I had to first validate that I have a legitimate copy of Windows XP. It also recommended installing the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool (I assume it leaves XP intact :).
This preview is for hobbyists and professionals only. Less technically capable users should never ever run beta software.
This preview is for hobbyists and professionals only. Less technically capable users should never ever run beta software.
"Evaluation of Internet Explorer 7 should start now, but the software should not be used on production systems in mission-critical environments. Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview will only run on Windows® XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) systems, but will ultimately be available for Windows Vista, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Server 2003."
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