Sunday, May 06, 2007

Go Braves ! (reprise)

Friday, the Braves beat the Dodgers 4-0. Yesterday, the Dodgers won 6-3. Today, we're at Turner Field to see the Braves try to take the series 2-1.


Eric Schulz said...

The Braves won 6-4. Woohoo!

Amy R Shipp said...

Apparently we were the good luck charms. Anyone else want to offer to take us along to a game or two this season?

Anonymous said...

Gotta love those Atlanta Braves

bugdog said...

gah. I still don't like the Braves. They have the annoying tendency to be better than the Astros and usually kick collective ass all over the ballpark when they play them. Especially in a playoff series. Damn them.

Go Astros! Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory since 1962!